Home Invasions

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims Killedsort descendingVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1049133February 14, 2018South CarolinaWalhallaQuarter Horse Trail10011
1059595February 27, 2018ColoradoDenver1000 block of South Grove Street10100
1059459February 27, 2018TennesseeClarksville1232 Paradise Hill Rd10001
1058352February 25, 2018DelawareWilmington2300 block of N Market St10001
1055798February 21, 2018TexasCarthagePR 622 and Co Rd 22211001
1055731February 23, 2018IllinoisRockford400 block of S Henrietta Ave10000
1055667February 22, 2018FloridaOrlando1500 block of Echo Lake Ct10000
1053300February 19, 2018IllinoisEast Saint Louis400 Wimmer Pl11001
1052857February 18, 2018ArizonaPhoenixN 12th St and Thomas Rd10100
1052297February 13, 2018TexasSan Antonio300 Regina St10011
1051649February 16, 2018IllinoisZion2800 block of Edina Blvd12002
1051291February 16, 2018OklahomaOklahoma City1700 block of SW 1513002
1050656February 16, 2018KansasTopeka3500 SE Girard St10004
1037077January 26, 2018TexasSabine Pass7500 block of S Fourth Ave10001
1048655February 12, 2018TennesseeHermitage210 Misty Cape Cove10000
1046018February 7, 2018PennsylvaniaWilkes Barre77 Hutson St11002
1045650February 8, 2018CaliforniaSanta Rosa3600 block of Melcon Ln12005
1045363February 8, 2018FloridaJacksonville401 Century 21 Dr10000
1044549February 6, 2018NevadaLas Vegas3300 block of Robin Nest Ct10002
1043175February 4, 2018MississippiMoss Point3500 block of Bellview St12005
1041295February 1, 2018MissouriSpringfield2300 block of W Springlane St10003
1040045January 30, 2018CaliforniaVictorville16000 block of Forrest Ave11000
1039911January 30, 2018IllinoisChicago2400 W Eastwood Ave10001
1038770January 29, 2018TexasSan Antonio2600 block of Westward Dr10000
1038527January 28, 2018AlabamaHuntsville215 Binford Dr SW10004
