Home Invasions

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or Countysort descendingAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1266614January 2, 2018CaliforniaVisalia600 block of East Oakridge Court00011
1093955April 16, 2018CaliforniaVisalia1400 block of W McHughes Ave10000
1119367May 18, 2018TexasWaco1600 S MLK Jr Blvd00010
1162298July 12, 2018TexasWaco1100 N 6th St01000
1170379July 23, 2018TexasWaco1600 block of Wilson Ave00001
1125626May 24, 2018HawaiiWahiawaN/A00001
1029491January 17, 2018HawaiiWaimanaloSaddle City Road00000
1189672August 16, 2018MinnesotaWaite Park1500 block of Co Rd 13700000
1248992November 3, 2018MarylandWaldorf2200 block of Westwood Dr00001
1049133February 14, 2018South CarolinaWalhallaQuarter Horse Trail10011
1299023April 4, 2018South CarolinaWalhallaN Laurel St00001
1056525February 24, 2018South CarolinaWalterboro33 Campground Rd00100
1196232August 25, 2018South CarolinaWalterboroTika St02000
1042033January 28, 2018GeorgiaWarner RobinsPleasant Hill Ct01001
1216396September 23, 2018GeorgiaWarner Robins300 block of N Paul St00001
1057852February 25, 2018GeorgiaWarner Robins125 Wall St01002
1052895February 18, 2018GeorgiaWarner Robins4100 US 41N00001
1199801August 29, 2018OhioWarren1700 block of Tod Ave NW00000
1244558October 29, 2018OhioWarrenEdgehill Ave SE01002
1259789November 20, 2018OhioWarren526 Hall St NW00011
1214694September 20, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington1600 block of Kramer St NE00000
1104206April 8, 2018District of ColumbiaWashingtonNew Hampshire Ave NW00000
1094224January 22, 2018IllinoisWashington400 block of Georgia Pkwy00002
1266418November 21, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington700 block of Princeton Pl NW00001
1320316September 12, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington600 block of Quincy St NW00001
