Mass Shootings in 2025

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects Arrestedsort ascendingOperations
3129663January 31, 2025CaliforniaLos Angeles12603 S Broadway25000
3129861February 1, 2025OregonClatskanieQuincy Mayger Rd and Ilmari Rd13100
3134167February 6, 2025FloridaQuincy3749 Pat Thomas Pkwy23100
3134608February 7, 2025GeorgiaAtlantaLakewood Ave SE and Lethea St SE04000
3134984February 8, 2025ArizonaCasa Grande500 block of W 13th Pl15000
3135132February 9, 2025CaliforniaWoodland Hills5850 Winnetka Ave16000
3135318February 8, 2025North CarolinaRaleigh1000 block of Auston Grove Dr04000
