Mass Shootings in 2015

Incident IDIncident DateStatesort ascendingCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
588835February 23, 2015FloridaDaytona BeachSheridan Road04001
441681November 3, 2015FloridaJacksonvilleElla Street and Kings Road23000
432466October 17, 2015FloridaFort Myers2224 First St14001
418964September 23, 2015FloridaFort MyersDale St and Veronica S. Shoemaker Blvd04000
413001September 13, 2015FloridaOcala1910 South Pine Avenue15003
446996November 13, 2015FloridaJacksonville1300 block of South Shirley Oaks Drive31100
468787December 19, 2015FloridaMiami21630 SW 120th Ave14000
469614December 20, 2015FloridaNorth Miami BeachNE 167th St and NE 6th Ave04000
471867December 25, 2015FloridaJacksonvilleFranklin and Odessa04000
368867July 4, 2015District of ColumbiaWashington2600 block of Douglass Pl SE13004
376823July 17, 2015District of ColumbiaWashington600 block of Edgewood St NE13000
436240October 25, 2015District of ColumbiaWashington4300 block of Wheeler Road SE05000
365399June 28, 2015DelawareHarrington100 block of East St06002
349976May 31, 2015ConnecticutNew Haven849 Chapel Street05001
356065June 11, 2015ConnecticutBridgeport468 Trumbull Ave18002
454059November 27, 2015ColoradoColorado Springs3480 Centennial Blvd39001
443652November 7, 2015ColoradoDenverBayaud and Bannock13001
409601September 7, 2015ColoradoDenver1909 Blake Street04000
276459January 9, 2015CaliforniaSan FranciscoLaguna St and Page St40001
307512March 15, 2015CaliforniaCompton2700 block of West Alondra Boulevard04000
300860March 4, 2015CaliforniaSan Bernardino190 block of W Club Center Dr34000
295871February 20, 2015CaliforniaSacramento1417 R Street04000
293883February 15, 2015CaliforniaLong Beach200 block of W. 14th Street05005
285123January 26, 2015CaliforniaStockton1500 block of E. 9th Street13000
276766January 11, 2015CaliforniaSan Jose3840 Monterey Hwy05000
