Mass Shootings in 2023

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects Injuredsort descendingSuspects ArrestedOperations
2678825August 11, 2023MinnesotaMinneapolis2220 16th Ave S16001
2683213August 16, 2023OklahomaOklahoma City7405 NW 5th Terrace40100
2683130August 16, 2023IllinoisEast Saint LouisN 38th St and Audubon Ave14000
2682756August 16, 2023KentuckyLouisville1800 block of W Muhammad Ali Blvd04000
2681831August 15, 2023TennesseeClarksville2655 Union Hall Rd05200
2680526August 13, 2023IllinoisChicago100 block of W Division St04000
2680467August 13, 2023TennesseeMemphisPeabody Pl and S B B King Blvd08000
2680362August 13, 2023PennsylvaniaHarrisburgCranberry St and N 2nd St04001
2680270August 13, 2023IllinoisChicago5700 block of S Payne Dr13000
2679878August 12, 2023MichiganGrand RapidsDickinson St SE and Madison Ave SE04000
2679865August 13, 2023IllinoisRockford600 block of Fisher Ave07000
2679624August 13, 2023OhioCincinnati2300 block of Flora St04000
2678953August 12, 2023WashingtonBothell2005 185th Pl SE13000
2668556July 30, 2023MassachusettsSpringfieldLeyfred Terr04000
2678650August 11, 2023ArkansasPine Bluff1601 S Cherry St04001
2678274August 11, 2023PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia800 Diamond St31000
2676883August 10, 2023WashingtonLynnwoodSW 164th St and W 48th Pl41001
2675914August 9, 2023IllinoisCrystal Lake5805 Wild Plum Rd31100
2673981August 6, 2023PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia200 W 65th Ave05000
2673896August 5, 2023MissouriKansas CityE 16th St and Grand Blvd04001
2673196August 2, 2023ArkansasPine BluffLilac St05000
2673152August 6, 2023TexasEdinburg5120 S Raul Longoria Rd07003
2672766August 5, 2023District of ColumbiaWashingtonGood Hope Rd SE and 16th St SE32000
2671589August 3, 2023CaliforniaLos Angeles8805 S Hoover St04000
2670331August 2, 2023IllinoisChicago1249 W 81st St13000
