Mass Shootings in 2023

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddresssort ascendingVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
2643602July 4, 2023LouisianaShreveport2000 block of Pearl Ave47000
2741453October 28, 2023IllinoisChicago2000 block of N Lorel Ave04000
2623809June 13, 2023ColoradoDenver2000 block of Market St09012
2654540July 16, 2023CaliforniaLos Angeles2000 block of E 115th St14000
2673981August 6, 2023PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia200 W 65th Ave05000
2735299October 22, 2023ArkansasPine Bluff200 University Dr13004
2733136October 18, 2023OhioColumbus200 block of Winner Ave04001
2553829March 25, 2023LouisianaShreveport200 block of Texas St15002
2733549October 19, 2023WashingtonToppenish200 block of Pearne St31100
2709172September 18, 2023North CarolinaCharlotte200 block of N Tryon St04000
2576366April 18, 2023North CarolinaFayetteville200 block of Alphin St13002
2741772October 28, 2023MarylandCumberland20 S Mechanic St13001
2732484October 17, 2023GeorgiaAugusta2 Greene St04000
2625892June 15, 2023OhioNew Richmond1965 Laurel Lindale Rd31001
2743269October 29, 2023MississippiWiggins195 Old Hwy 49 S13002
2708514September 16, 2023ColoradoDenver1946 Market St05001
2688942August 23, 2023CaliforniaTrabuco Canyon19152 Santiago Canyon Rd35100
2572997April 15, 2023CaliforniaNorthridge19105 Parthenia St22001
2627254June 17, 2023IllinoisChicago1900 block of N Stockton Dr05000
2554779March 26, 2023PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia1900 block of N 19th St22000
2735403October 20, 2023LouisianaAlexandria1900 block of Kelly St04002
2658784July 20, 2023North CarolinaGreensboro1900 block of Brice St13000
2551678March 21, 2023South CarolinaSumter190 Whitetail Cir40100
2498792January 9, 2023ColoradoDenver18th St and Blake St04000
2697278September 2, 2023MassachusettsLynn189 Essex St25006
