Mass Shootings in 2023

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims Injuredsort ascendingSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
2710366September 18, 2023North CarolinaSpring Lake214 S 6th St13000
2735271October 21, 2023North CarolinaFayetteville1520 Slater Ave13001
2735260October 21, 2023CaliforniaOakley487 Shannon Way13001
2735073October 21, 2023CaliforniaSanta Maria1000 block of N School St13000
2729845October 14, 2023ColoradoDenver12445 E 39th Ave33000
2727876October 10, 2023WisconsinMadison116 Milky Way13004
2725669October 7, 2023CaliforniaInglewood3333 W Manchester Blvd23000
2723237October 4, 2023MinnesotaSaint Paul1200 block of Hazelwood St13000
2720128September 30, 2023CaliforniaSan Pedro1230 N Park Western Dr13001
2719793September 29, 2023LouisianaLake Charles2212 Broad St13001
2717131September 27, 2023District of ColumbiaWashington2423 14th St NE23000
2715316September 25, 2023TexasDallas4800 block of Elsie Faye Heggins St13001
2714081September 23, 2023District of ColumbiaWashington1360 H St NE13000
2687319August 20, 2023TexasDenison1100 block of W Owings St13003
2708659September 17, 2023TexasEl Paso12300 Tierra Inca Dr23011
2701771September 7, 2023TexasDallas5300 block of Colonial Ave13001
2701037September 6, 2023MississippiJackson3400 block of Lampton Ave13001
2699475September 4, 2023GeorgiaDublin100 block of E Jackson St13003
2698786September 3, 2023North CarolinaHigh Point2900 block of Creekview Ct13000
2698496September 4, 2023AlabamaBirmingham930 5th Ave N23000
2698160September 3, 2023IllinoisFreeport300 block of E Pleasant St13000
2692512August 27, 2023ColoradoPueblo1200 block of Berwind Ave13000
2692290August 27, 2023OhioMansfield137 Blymyer Ave13002
2688256August 22, 2023IllinoisChicago1521 S Trumbull Ave13000
2687693August 21, 2023New YorkValley Stream89 Ocean Ave13003
