Mass Shootings in 2023

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddresssort ascendingVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
2586872April 30, 2023OklahomaHenryetta14360 Holly Rd60100
2651377July 13, 2023MarylandSilver Spring14324 Layhill Rd05001
2790854December 31, 2023CaliforniaHawthorne14125 Crenshaw Blvd15000
2628083June 18, 2023MissouriSaint Louis1409 Washington Ave19000
2589765May 6, 2023OhioColumbus1400 block of St Clair Ave13100
2666195July 28, 2023IllinoisChicago Heights (Ford Heights)1400 block of Senator Ln14000
2660217July 22, 2023IllinoisChicago1400 block of S Spaulding Ave14000
2527234February 15, 2023MarylandBaltimore1400 block of E Fayette St04000
2734098October 20, 2023NebraskaLincoln13th St and O St04003
2784291December 21, 2023District of ColumbiaWashington1399 Half St SW22000
2692290August 27, 2023OhioMansfield137 Blymyer Ave13002
2714081September 23, 2023District of ColumbiaWashington1360 H St NE13000
2571648April 13, 2023MichiganDetroit13570 block of Penrod St04011
2690239August 24, 2023OhioHartville13305 Carnation Ave NW40100
2589790May 5, 2023MississippiVicksburg1320 Levee St04000
2690914August 25, 2023FloridaTallahassee1303 Ocala Rd04000
2667118July 30, 2023MichiganLansing1300 block of W Holmes Rd05000
2518292February 5, 2023CaliforniaStockton1300 block of W Fremont St13001
2507423January 21, 2023ArizonaYuma1300 block of W 9th St05001
2769379December 2, 2023ColoradoAurora1300 block of Joliet St04001
2713920September 23, 2023VirginiaChesapeake1300 block of Drayton Rd14001
2597561May 13, 2023New HampshireManchester129 Ahern St04003
2509663January 23, 2023CaliforniaHalf Moon Bay12761 San Mateo Rd71001
2513496January 28, 2023TexasAustin12636 Research Blvd23001
2742143October 29, 2023IllinoisChicago1258 S Pulaski Rd015001
