Mass Shootings in 2023

Incident IDsort ascendingIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
2753283November 12, 2023WashingtonPuyallup11500 152nd St E06000
2753236November 11, 2023VirginiaPortsmouth3500 block of Commonwealth Ave04000
2752316November 10, 2023AlabamaBirminghamI-59 and Bush Blvd04001
2752208November 10, 2023MissouriIndependence18801 East 39th St S13000
2748473November 5, 2023TexasHempstead35028 Cameron Rd07000
2748287November 4, 2023TexasGalveston2100 block of The Strand06001
2748157November 5, 2023GeorgiaAtlanta1090 Redford Dr SE06000
2748070November 5, 2023WashingtonTacoma2708 6th Ave23001
2747938November 5, 2023IndianaIndianapolis5905 Madison Ave15000
2747768November 5, 2023ArizonaPhoenix4300 N 21st Dr04000
2747734November 5, 2023ColoradoDenver5514 E 33rd Ave23022
2747153November 4, 2023OhioCleveland (Richmond Heights)500 block of Towne Ln13001
2746785November 3, 2023OhioCincinnatiJones St and Wade St15000
2746094October 27, 2023ArkansasLittle Rock7620 Baseline Rd14000
2745105October 31, 2023CaliforniaSalinas301 Chaparral St07000
2744799November 1, 2023TexasDallas2300 block of 2nd Ave05000
2743711October 29, 2023North CarolinaWilson2331 US-301 S04001
2743289October 30, 2023MinnesotaMinneapolis901 Cedar Ave04000
2743269October 29, 2023MississippiWiggins195 Old Hwy 49 S13002
2743031October 29, 2023CaliforniaAzusa5400 block of N Banewell Ave04000
2742572October 28, 2023New MexicoLas Cruces3000 block of Dyer St07000
2742471October 28, 2023CaliforniaChula Vista2015 Birch Rd04001
2742414October 28, 2023GeorgiaDecatur3300 block of Glenwood Rd04000
2742403October 29, 2023KansasDodge City207 E Wyatt Earp Blvd22001
2742231October 28, 2023LouisianaLake CharlesBruce Dr and Opelousas St06001
