Mass Shootings in 2023

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or Countysort ascendingAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
2722363October 3, 2023MarylandBaltimore1800 Argonne Dr05002
2647516July 8, 2023MarylandBaltimore900 block of Greenmount Ave22000
2640219July 2, 2023MarylandBaltimore800 block of Gretna Ct227015
2626827June 16, 2023MarylandBaltimoreE Cold Spring Ln and York Rd06000
2743031October 29, 2023CaliforniaAzusa5400 block of N Banewell Ave04000
2513496January 28, 2023TexasAustin12636 Research Blvd23001
2771255December 5, 2023TexasAustin7104 Berkman Dr63001
2769379December 2, 2023ColoradoAurora1300 block of Joliet St04001
2597569May 13, 2023GeorgiaAugusta120 Sand Bar Ferry Rd24000
2732484October 17, 2023GeorgiaAugusta2 Greene St04000
2584711April 29, 2023WashingtonAuburn2500 block of B St NW04000
2775006December 9, 2023GeorgiaAtlanta3005 Peachtree Rd NE31000
2748157November 5, 2023GeorgiaAtlanta1090 Redford Dr SE06000
2587386May 3, 2023GeorgiaAtlanta1110 W Peachtree St NW14001
2698171September 3, 2023GeorgiaAtlanta3516 Adkins Rd NW05100
2564074April 3, 2023GeorgiaAtlanta2479 Abner Terrace NW13000
2742160October 29, 2023GeorgiaAtlanta120 Piedmont Ave NE13000
2584743April 30, 2023GeorgiaAthens1155 Mitchell Bridge Rd13000
2779098December 14, 2023IllinoisAshland308 Philadelphia Rd31100
2635243June 24, 2023North CarolinaAsheboro800 block of Salem Ct04002
2622062June 11, 2023CaliforniaAntioch3300 block of Sunset Ln16000
2622547June 11, 2023MarylandAnnapolis1004 Paddington Pl33001
2513517January 28, 2023South CarolinaAndrewsBirch Creek Rd22001
2597941May 14, 2023IndianaAnderson1600 block of Madison Ave06000
2648002July 9, 2023TexasAmarillo4515 S Georgia St25001
