Mass Shootings in 2015

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or Countysort ascendingAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
318221April 5, 2015KentuckyLouisville40th and Grand Street14000
464665December 13, 2015CaliforniaLos Angeles5550 S Flower Street13000
395694August 15, 2015CaliforniaLos Angeles57th Street and South Normandie Avenue04000
355644June 10, 2015CaliforniaLos AngelesSouth Vermont Avenue and West 88th Street13000
392131August 10, 2015CaliforniaLong Beach1700 block of East 10th Street04000
293883February 15, 2015CaliforniaLong Beach200 block of W. 14th Street05005
295502February 17, 2015ArkansasLittle Rock7900 Scott Hamilton13000
361708June 21, 2015KentuckyLexington726 Georgetown St14000
409101September 5, 2015NevadaLas Vegas5000 block of Hollywood Boulevard13000
468151March 20, 2015TexasLancaster1500 block of Reynolds Street15000
277480January 11, 2015FloridaLakeland7665 Chase Road13002
286810January 31, 2015GeorgiaLagrange113 Woodstream Trl40001
380162July 23, 2015LouisianaLafayette3141 Johnson Street29100
343106May 18, 2015MissouriKinloch8000 block of School Way04000
326792April 21, 2015TexasKilleen420 Gilmer St23001
296215February 22, 2015TexasKilleen1706 Godman St.31100
381814July 26, 2015MissouriKansas CityThompson and Colorado23000
391014August 9, 2015MissouriKansas City40th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue04000
420855September 27, 2015MissouriKansas City1700 E. 18th St.04000
455394November 29, 2015IllinoisKankakee648 E Court St05000
447462November 14, 2015PennsylvaniaJohnstown1159 Main St04000
373063July 12, 2015New JerseyJersey CitySip and Van Wagenen avenues04000
338034May 10, 2015New JerseyJersey CityBostwick Avenue04005
441681November 3, 2015FloridaJacksonvilleElla Street and Kings Road23000
446996November 13, 2015FloridaJacksonville1300 block of South Shirley Oaks Drive31100
