Mass Shootings in 2025

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or Countysort ascendingAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
3129861February 1, 2025OregonClatskanieQuincy Mayger Rd and Ilmari Rd13100
3134984February 8, 2025ArizonaCasa Grande500 block of W 13th Pl15000
3119395January 19, 2025FloridaBoynton Beach500 block of NE 2nd St15000
3121802January 22, 2025MarylandBaltimore5400 block of York Rd13000
3134608February 7, 2025GeorgiaAtlantaLakewood Ave SE and Lethea St SE04000
3124977January 26, 2025TexasAmarillo709 S Polk St18001
3130376February 2, 2025PennsylvaniaAllentown1500 Union Blvd13002
