Number of Deaths in 2022

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects Killedsort descendingSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
2236697February 17, 2022CaliforniaLucerne Valley29900 block of Exeter St10001
2236891February 18, 2022OklahomaEnid1602 E Maine Ave10003
2236877February 18, 2022WisconsinGreen Bay1165 W Mason St10001
2236857February 18, 2022MarylandTemple Hills (Marlow Heights)4200 block of 28th Ave22000
2236842February 18, 2022VirginiaMartinsville900 block of Southland Dr10001
2236823February 17, 2022KansasKansas CityBirch Dr and S 22nd St20001
2236796February 18, 2022LouisianaNew Orleans2100 block of Cobblestone Ln10000
2236782February 17, 2022LouisianaShreveport4000 block of Barbara Ave10001
2236780February 18, 2022OhioColumbus100 block of Midland Ave10000
2236777February 17, 2022CaliforniaModesto2200 block of Coffee Rd10001
2236751February 18, 2022OhioCincinnati5400 block of Bluebird Ln10001
2236744February 17, 2022CaliforniaBaldwin Park (Irwindale)Rivergrade Rd and Brooks Dr10000
2236737February 17, 2022CaliforniaNorwalk12100 block of Foster Rd10010
2236493February 16, 2022FloridaFort Lauderdale (Lauderhill)NW 17th Ct and NW 34th Ave10000
2236693February 17, 2022North CarolinaWeldon900 Sycamore St10000
2236690February 17, 2022CaliforniaOakland1400 block of 17th Ave10000
2236688February 18, 2022CaliforniaOakland3400 block of 35th Ave10000
2236663February 16, 2022UtahSaint George1515 W Sunset Blvd10000
2236649February 18, 2022New MexicoAlbuquerque57th St NW and Iliff Road NW10000
2236618February 16, 2022South CarolinaGraniteville269 Chalk Bed Rd10001
2236577February 17, 2022MarylandRockvilleFletcher Pl and Bradley Ave10002
2236575February 17, 2022CaliforniaStockton4700 block of Greensboro Way10000
2236554February 17, 2022IllinoisKankakee300 block of S Harrison Ave10000
2236538February 17, 2022North CarolinaGarnerJosephine Rd11002
2236529February 17, 2022FloridaOrlando604 W Jackson St10000
