Number of Deaths in 2023

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddresssort descendingVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
2673667August 5, 2023OregonGrants Pass1200 block of SW Isham St10001
2515097January 30, 2023GeorgiaBuford (Sugar Hill)1200 block of Sycamore Summit00100
2785340December 21, 2023NevadaLas Vegas1200 block of Tree Line Dr10001
2775193December 9, 2023TexasGrand Prairie1200 block of Tripoli Trl00100
2673521August 5, 2023District of ColumbiaWashington1200 block of U St NW10001
2645133July 5, 2023District of ColumbiaWashington1200 block of Valley Ave SE10000
2668197July 31, 2023LouisianaShreveport1200 block of Vaughn Ave10000
2513108January 27, 2023CaliforniaLos Angeles1200 block of W 110th St10000
2715538September 25, 2023OhioDayton1200 block of W 1st St10001
2648140July 9, 2023FloridaSanford1200 block of W 25th St10001
2528111February 18, 2023IllinoisChicago1200 block of W 73rd Pl10000
2508004January 21, 2023IllinoisChicago1200 block of W 73rd St10000
2660607July 21, 2023IllinoisChicago1200 block of W 81st St10000
2504155January 13, 2023PennsylvaniaChester1200 block of W 9th St10001
2531728February 22, 2023TennesseeKnoxville1200 block of W Parkway Ave10001
2788848December 28, 2023MississippiJackson1200 block of W Ridgeway St10001
2605813May 22, 2023MississippiClarksdale1200 block of W Second St10000
2493728January 2, 2023TennesseeKingsport1200 block of W Sullivan St10000
2525071February 13, 2023PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia1200 block of W Venango St10000
2701865September 8, 2023IndianaIndianapolis1200 block of Wallace Ave10000
2722137October 3, 2023LouisianaBossier City1200 block of Waller Ave10001
2628485June 18, 2023North CarolinaWinston Salem (Winston-salem)1200 block of Waughtown St10000
2626779June 15, 2023TennesseeHuntingdon1200 block of Westport Rd10001
2534633February 26, 2023KentuckyCovington1200 block of Wheeler St10001
2650322July 8, 2023LouisianaHammond1200 block of Willow St10001
