Number of Deaths in 2023

Incident IDIncident Datesort descendingStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
2521921February 9, 2023VirginiaRichmond300 block of E Broad St11001
2522646February 9, 2023FloridaFort Pierce600 block of Dundas Ct11000
2521563February 9, 2023New YorkBrooklyn131 Lorraine St10000
2522003February 9, 2023New YorkNew York (Manhattan)44th St and 8th Ave10001
2522809February 9, 2023FloridaHavana560 Plantation Dr10001
2521514February 9, 2023LouisianaHarvey1101 Curtis St20200
2521976February 9, 2023OhioCleveland3300 block of Altamont Rd10000
2522894February 10, 2023KentuckyLouisville600 block of E Muhammad Ali Blvd10000
2523178February 10, 2023MissouriFlorissant1800 block of High Sun Dr10003
2522673February 10, 2023TennesseeKingston262 De Armond Rd10001
2522398February 10, 2023CaliforniaLa HabraS Beach Blvd and W Imperial Hwy00100
2523126February 10, 2023PennsylvaniaAllentown8th St and W Maple St01100
2522685February 10, 2023IllinoisChicago2100 block of W 54th St10000
2523165February 10, 2023FloridaWesley ChapelBruce B Downs Blvd and County Line Rd10000
2522875February 10, 2023South CarolinaFountain Inn208 Ivy Woods Ct21001
2522624February 10, 2023IllinoisChicago7400 block of S Colfax Ave10001
2523078February 10, 2023DelawareNew CastleDeen St10001
2524377February 10, 2023GeorgiaAtlanta (College Park)5060 Old Bill Cook Rd10000
2522579February 10, 2023MarylandSuitland3215 Swann Rd10000
2523112February 10, 2023CaliforniaPalmdale37000 block of Oxford Dr00100
2529663February 10, 2023North CarolinaThomasvilleHughes Grove Church Rd10001
2525413February 10, 2023IllinoisMadisonWashington Ave and 10th St10000
2524363February 10, 2023GeorgiaAtlanta (Vinings)3700 block of Allegretto Cir10001
2523253February 10, 2023North CarolinaGarysburgOld Hwy10001
2522608February 10, 2023District of ColumbiaWashington1900 block of 18th St SE10000
