Officer Shot or Killed

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects Killedsort descendingSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
853077May 26, 2017VirginiaRichmond1900 block of Redd St10001
866210June 13, 2017VirginiaVirginia Beach1600 block of Ohio Ave01001
866198June 12, 2017MaineVassalboro15 Oak Grove Rd01001
865994June 13, 2017GeorgiaEatontonSparta Hwy20002
865907June 12, 2017ArkansasNewport3 Bowen St10002
865481June 12, 2017VirginiaHampton1 Town Center Way01013
862307June 7, 2017North CarolinaEllenboroUS-74 BUS01001
859276June 3, 2017IllinoisChicago8100 block of S Maryland Ave01011
858102June 1, 2017WisconsinMilwaukee35th St & Toronto St01000
858047June 1, 2017South CarolinaAllendaleN/A10001
853756May 27, 2017MississippiBogue Chitto2871 Lee Dr80011
853586May 27, 2017GeorgiaAtlanta (College Park)5040 Old National Hwy02001
853141May 27, 2017South CarolinaCayceKnox Abbott Dr02011
834278May 2, 2017CaliforniaSan Bernardino18901 Institution Road01000
852272May 25, 2017CaliforniaCoachellaCalle Mendoza and Las Flores Ave01001
851537May 24, 2017CaliforniaCompton900 block of N Santa Fe Ave11010
850350May 23, 2017GeorgiaMarietta220 N Cobb Parkway NE01010
847994May 20, 2017ColoradoDenver2800 S Quitman St01011
844278May 15, 2017IllinoisChicago3600 block of South Wolcott02000
842085May 12, 2017IllinoisChicago4600 block of W Maypole Ave01011
841532May 11, 2017LouisianaMoreauvilleLA-1 and LA-11403001
840939May 11, 2017ArkansasDardanelleState Highway 27 and Slo Fork Road30001
840339May 10, 2017New JerseyTrenton300 block of Centre St13001
834824May 3, 2017South DakotaMadison453rd Ave and Co Hwy 5601001
834649May 2, 2017IllinoisChicago4300 block of S Ashland Ave02002
