Teens Killed or Injured in 2018

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or Countysort ascendingAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1228508October 8, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington3200 block of Stanton Rd SE01001
1429283January 14, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington18th St SE and R St SE01000
1286665December 28, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington200 block of 54th St NE11003
1275919December 13, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington2726 Langston Pl SE10001
1274276December 10, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington800 block of Longfellow St NW10000
1271208December 6, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington2900 block of Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE02000
1252464November 11, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington3300 block of Dubois Pl SE01000
1211547September 16, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington7500 block of Sayles Pl SE01000
1196847August 26, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington200 block of 36th St NE02000
1190621August 19, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington45th St NE and Ponds St NE01000
1177552July 31, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington3700 block of 10th St NW01001
1168878July 21, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington1005 5th St SE02000
1119898May 18, 2018MissouriWarsawMain St and Seminary St01011
1224453October 3, 2018MarylandWaldorf11200 block of Wildmeadows St10001
1136082June 6, 2018TexasWaco (Robinson)700 block of E Stegall Dr10000
1283350December 23, 2018LouisianaVivian625 Park Dr03002
1180359August 5, 2018CaliforniaVisalia1500 block of W Prospect Avenue03000
1263365November 25, 2018VirginiaVirginia Beach400 block of Jasper Ct01000
1274692December 11, 2018VirginiaVirginia Beach2700 block of Elson Green Ave10004
1142525June 15, 2018VirginiaVirginia Beach5100 block of Condor St02000
1234302October 15, 2018LouisianaViolet3000 block of Daniel Dr10002
1262861November 25, 2018LouisianaVintonWilliams Rd and Gum Cove Rd00022
1083891April 1, 2018CaliforniaVictorville16100 block of Tawney Ridge Ln02002
1180803August 4, 2018TexasVictoriaN/A10001
1239773October 9, 2018TexasVictoria3801 Halsey St03000
