Teens Killed or Injured in 2018

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects Killedsort ascendingSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1023776January 9, 2018IllinoisChicago13300 S Calumet Ave10000
1025601January 9, 2018FloridaOrlandoLynchburg Ct10001
1025483January 11, 2018IndianaSouth Bend1800 N Johnson St10001
1025316January 11, 2018VirginiaNewport News11100 block of Tarrytown Ct11000
1025305January 11, 2018VirginiaNewport News600 block of Harpersville Rd01000
1024986January 11, 2018IllinoisChicago5100 W Harrison St01000
1024322January 7, 2018VirginiaNewport NewsColony Rd and Smucker Rd01000
1024253January 10, 2018TennesseeMemphisGalloway Ave and Sevier St01000
1024179January 10, 2018PennsylvaniaPittsburgh500 block of Franklin St01001
1024139January 9, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia58th St and Baltimore St01000
1024119January 9, 2018MissouriCarthage1142 S River St02001
1023994January 9, 2018IllinoisChicago3000 W Lexington St01000
1023973January 9, 2018IllinoisChicago600 N Lamon Ave11000
1022415January 7, 2018VirginiaRichmond5700 block of Westover Village Drive01000
1023590January 9, 2018South CarolinaRock Hill400 Block of Allen St01003
1023412January 9, 2018ArizonaSierra Vista5148 S Coronado School Dr10000
1023168January 8, 2018New JerseyCamdenS 29th St and Clinton St10004
1023065January 7, 2018MinnesotaSaint PaulRice St and Geranium Ave W01000
1023017January 7, 2018CaliforniaFresnoCalifornia Ave and Elm Ave10000
1022795January 8, 2018ColoradoGrand Junction2800 block of Hill Ave01000
1022723January 7, 2018PennsylvaniaChester1100 block of White St01000
1022675January 7, 2018FloridaHomestead600 SW 14th Ave10002
1022602January 7, 2018IllinoisChicago1200 N Springfield Ave01000
1022544January 7, 2018TennesseeMemphisFord Rd and W Shelby Dr01000
1022536January 7, 2018TennesseeMemphisLydgate Ave10001
