Teens Killed or Injured in 2018

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or Countysort ascendingAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1203199September 3, 2018New JerseyTrentonOakland St and Prospect St01000
1202437September 2, 2018New JerseyTrentonStuyvesant Ave and Bryn Mawr Ave04000
1178637August 3, 2018New JerseyTrenton100 block of Passaic St01002
1131435June 2, 2018New JerseyTrenton (Hamilton Township)1700 block of E State St03000
1141943June 14, 2018CaliforniaTracyW 6th St14004
1047572January 1, 2018CaliforniaTorrance1524 W 205th St11000
1253703November 11, 2018CaliforniaTorrance22400 Halldale Ave01020
1185707August 11, 2018WashingtonToppenishZillah Dr and N E St01000
1153995July 1, 2018UtahTooele684 American Way01000
1176458July 31, 2018TexasTomball19435 Ambrosia Falls Dr01001
1138218June 11, 2018OhioToledo10 block of E Central Ave10000
1249893November 7, 2018OhioToledo4100 block of Lyman Ave01000
1155107July 3, 2018OhioToledo1500 block of Milburn Ave01002
1169830July 22, 2018OhioToledo500 block of Spring St12000
1244553October 30, 2018OhioToledoNebraska Ave and N Westwood Ave01000
1221460September 30, 2018OhioToledo3800 block of Hoiles Ave01000
1087605April 7, 2018OhioToledo3200 block of Stickney Ave01000
1173391July 26, 2018GeorgiaToccoaPrather Bridge Rd and Rickman St01002
1026311January 12, 2018PennsylvaniaTobyhanna106 Poplar Pl10100
1106148May 2, 2018VirginiaToano2600 block of Little Creek Dam Rd10100
1077610March 25, 2018FloridaTitusvilleBooker St and 3rd Ave10001
1196254August 25, 2018South CarolinaTimmonsvilleByrd St and Tanyard St10004
1129432May 31, 2018South CarolinaTimmonsville544 Chaney Grove Rd32001
1116429May 14, 2018GeorgiaThomsonDell Dr10000
1116434May 6, 2018GeorgiaThomson642 Forrest Clary Dr Ext01001
