Teens Killed or Injured in 2018

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims Killedsort descendingVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
1670145October 22, 2018WisconsinPleasant Prairie7801 88th Ave01001
1869160June 19, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaBayton St and Chelton Ave01000
1859666June 6, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia6500 block of Belmar St01000
1783077April 21, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia6700 block of Elmwood Ave03000
1781548April 9, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia2000 block of E Cambria St01000
1781523April 4, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia1800 block of E Clementine St01000
1776661March 30, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia5100 block of N 9th St01000
1776623March 15, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia1200 block of N 10th St01000
1776589March 4, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia5800 block of Norfolk St01000
1770980February 4, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia1500 block of Page St01000
1770978February 4, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia1200 block of S 32nd St01000
1770967February 2, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaW Dauphin St and N 22nd St01000
1761814January 30, 2018PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia3100 block of Kensington Ave02000
1295842November 17, 2018IllinoisBloomington800 block of Douglas St01000
1610280December 28, 2018ArizonaTucsonN/A01002
1563922September 2, 2018WisconsinWaukesha (county)N/A01000
1554672August 22, 2018New JerseyCamden2nd St01000
1457327March 23, 2018New YorkCortland (county)N/A01000
1429283January 14, 2018District of ColumbiaWashington18th St SE and R St SE01000
1359780October 9, 2018TexasSan Antonio13131 Compass Rose00010
1341694August 5, 2018GeorgiaCovingtonCrooked Creek Way00011
1330338November 16, 2018PennsylvaniaSutersvilleButterfly Ln01003
1304041December 20, 2018WashingtonSeattleWA 509 and SW Michigan St01000
1303867December 31, 2018MississippiVicksburg2828 Ken Karl Ave01001
1296918December 14, 2018MontanaColstripN/A01000
