Teens Injured in 2019

Incident DateStateCity Or CountyAddresssort ascendingParticipant GenderParticipant NameParticipant Age GroupOperations
February 10, 2019ConnecticutNew HavenQuinnipiac Ave and Essex StmaleN/ATeen 12-17
December 30, 2019WashingtonYakimaQueen Ave and MacLaren StmaleN/ATeen 12-17
June 23, 2019MichiganDetroitPuritan Ave and Greenlawn StmaleN/ATeen 12-17
October 26, 2019MissouriKansas CityProspect Ave and E 39th StN/AN/ATeen 12-17
July 23, 2019GeorgiaDouglasvillePreston BlvdN/AN/ATeen 12-17
July 23, 2019GeorgiaDouglasvillePreston BlvdN/AN/ATeen 12-17
April 11, 2019IllinoisWaukeganPrescott St and 8th StfemaleN/ATeen 12-17
April 11, 2019IllinoisWaukeganPrescott St and 8th StfemaleN/ATeen 12-17
February 16, 2019North CarolinaGarnerPowell DrmaleN/ATeen 12-17
January 3, 2019KansasLeavenworthPottawatomie St and N 3rd StmaleN/ATeen 12-17
October 27, 2019GeorgiaStone MountainPost Road TerracemaleTariq ThomasTeen 12-17
April 2, 2019PennsylvaniaPottstownPorter RdmaleN/ATeen 12-17
June 26, 2019LouisianaNew OrleansPleasure St and Piety StmaleN/ATeen 12-17
January 11, 2019NebraskaOmahaPinkney St and N 44th AvemaleDivante PageTeen 12-17
December 8, 2019LouisianaNew OrleansPines Blvd and E Laverne StmaleN/ATeen 12-17
April 13, 2019New JerseyTrentonPerry St and N Montgomery StmaleN/ATeen 12-17
January 21, 2019North CarolinaCharlottePebblestone DrmaleN/ATeen 12-17
September 22, 2019TexasEl PasoPebble Hills Blvd and George Dieter DrfemaleN/ATeen 12-17
July 19, 2019GeorgiaHamptonPates Lake WayfemaleLayla KendallTeen 12-17
July 10, 2019TennesseeChattanoogaParkview DrN/AN/ATeen 12-17
June 30, 2019MontanaBillingsParkhill Dr and 3rd St WmaleN/ATeen 12-17
June 30, 2019MontanaBillingsParkhill Dr and 3rd St WmaleN/ATeen 12-17
September 25, 2019ConnecticutHartfordPark Street and Hazel StreetmaleN/ATeen 12-17
May 18, 2019CaliforniaSan DiegoParadise Valley Rd and S Meadowbrook DrmaleN/ATeen 12-17
July 10, 2019CaliforniaUnion CityPalmetto Dr and Butternut CourtmaleN/ATeen 12-17
