Incidents in 2017

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims Injuredsort descendingSuspects KilledSuspects InjuredSuspects ArrestedOperations
743397January 5, 2017PennsylvaniaCarlisle500 block of W North St00000
743654January 4, 2017OhioYoungstown100 block of Ayers St10001
743636January 4, 2017FloridaMilton5400 block of Byrom St00000
743619January 5, 2017FloridaMiami717 SW 17th Ave10000
743613January 4, 2017FloridaMarion OaksN/A00001
743593January 5, 2017TexasCorpus Christi4600 block of Christie00001
743590January 4, 2017North CarolinaPolkton2624 Randall Road10001
743575January 5, 2017TennesseeSewaneeDeepwoods Road00100
743538January 4, 2017IndianaHobartCleveland Ave and Virginia St00001
743478January 4, 2017KentuckyCadizCaledonia Rd00010
743446January 4, 2017FloridaOrlandoKing Cole Blvd00001
743436January 4, 2017MississippiBiloxi300 block of Benachi Ave00003
743404January 4, 2017PennsylvaniaAllentown9th St and Allen St10000
743213January 3, 2017New JerseyCedar GroveHighland Ave10000
743395January 5, 2017OhioLebanon3525 North State Route 4810000
743375January 4, 2017CaliforniaFresno3333 E American Ave10000
743371January 3, 2017CaliforniaEureka1900 block of Broadway00000
743354January 4, 2017MississippiCantonHeindl Road10000
743334January 4, 2017IndianaEnglishI-6400100
743324January 4, 2017MissouriKansas CityI-70 and I-43500000
743313January 3, 2017MissouriFlorissant5700 block of West Florissant00001
743268January 5, 2017MichiganDetroit15130 Gratiot Ave10002
743256January 4, 2017TexasHouston8400 block of Sands Point10000
743239January 1, 2017GeorgiaMoultrie124 Yates Lane10000
743233January 5, 2017CaliforniaOxnard100 block of North Juanita Avenue10001
