Incidents in 2017

Incident IDIncident DateStateCity Or CountyAddressVictims KilledVictims InjuredSuspects KilledSuspects Injuredsort descendingSuspects ArrestedOperations
741364January 1, 2017OhioClevelandMorgan Avenue10001
741427January 2, 2017ColoradoDenver3400 S Lowell Blvd11001
741416January 3, 2017GeorgiaLawrenceville980 Walther Boulevard02001
741414January 2, 2017GeorgiaAtlanta2700 block of Old Hapeville Road01000
741407January 3, 2017IndianaLawrenceburg200 block of E High St00001
741397January 3, 2017ArkansasLittle Rock10300 block of Ironton Rd11100
741394January 2, 2017ArizonaPhoenix9617 N Metro Pkwy W00001
741388January 1, 2017VirginiaLeesburg1500 E Market St01001
741383January 2, 2017OhioClevelandLee Rd and Deforest Ave01000
741379January 2, 2017PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia1900 block of Pratt Street01100
741377January 2, 2017NevadaLas Vegas2221 Exeter Drive10000
741373January 3, 2017PennsylvaniaErieEast 27th St and Elm St01002
741367January 3, 2017PennsylvaniaPittsburghFrankstown Ave and Brushton Ave10000
741292January 2, 2017MichiganDetroitProctor St and Panama St01000
741350January 3, 2017OhioWarrenLinda Dr NW01000
741344January 2, 2017NevadaLas VegasUS 95 and Jones Blvd01000
741331January 2, 2017NevadaLas VegasS Valley View Blvd and W Charleston Blvd00000
741330January 3, 2017IllinoisRockford2700 block of Prial Ave00000
741329January 3, 2017IllinoisRockford700 block of Illinois Ave00000
741318January 2, 2017IllinoisRockford1400 block of Gorham Pl01000
741309January 2, 2017MichiganWarrenElroy Avenue00000
741307January 2, 2017VirginiaNorfolk7500 block of Tidewater Drive00001
741306January 1, 2017VirginiaRichmondLiecester Road00000
741299January 2, 2017MichiganDetroitSaint John St and Parkinson St01000
741298January 2, 2017MaineBrunswick657 Old Portland Rd00001
